Lecture 11/1-2007: Gra6020-00-2007spring.ppt and Gra6020-1-2007spring.ppt


Plan: GRA 6020Spring2007.doc 


Lecture 18/1-2007: OLS regression. See slide Gra6020-1-2007spring.ppt. We will also cover some basic statistics.

Soft ware examples from SPSS and LISREL

The plan is corrected: GRA 6020Spring2007.doc


Case 2006: CASE GRA 6020-2006endelig.doc

SPSS file: admit.sav


Slides for lectures in week 4 and 6: Gra6020-2-2007spring.ppt

OLS-regression data: wine5vars.sav


Lecture 8/2-07: (Gra6020-2-2007spring – LOGIT regression): Gra6020-3-2007spring.ppt


Extra slide: extra-3-2007spring.ppt


Lecture 15/2-07: The Logit Model

Mult.choice ex: Gra6020-week7-multchoice.doc

Some extra slides: Gra6020-4-2007spring.ppt


Lecture 1/3-07: Gra6020-5-2007spring.ppt

Data Set: Npv.psf

Assignment week 9/10: The file NPV.PSF is a LISREL file. Use the file (and the software LISREL) to estimate a suitable factor structure

for the nine variable. Look at the “Rotated tables, e.g., VARIMAX and PROMAX. Is it possible to simplify so that each variable only loads on one factor?


Lecture 8/3-07: Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Slides from 1/3


Lecture 15/3-07: Gra6020-6-2007spring.ppt (Assignments on the last two slides)

 Data set: CI-week11.psf and efficacy2005.psf


Syntax for the efficacy2005.psf – data set. Obs – you have to estimate/calculate the covariance matrix S and the

asymptotic covariance matrix ACOV. Put the file names which you choose into the syntax (name)


DA NI=6 NO=1719 MA=CM

CM FI=name.cov

AC FI=name.acm

MO NX=6  NK=2



1 0   

1 0

1 0

1 0

0 1

0 1




Lecture 22/3-07: Confirmatory factor analysis, measurement models. Validity and measures of reliability will be discussed.

We start with the “country image” model, data set: CI-week11.psf – assignment from week 11. Ch.11 in Hair et al. is recommended.

Slides: Gra6020-7-2007spring.ppt


Lecture 12/4-2007: Gra6020-8-2007spring.ppt


Lecture 19/4-2007:

 Bagozzi’s Model” (The relationships between performance and satisfaction in an industrial sales force)


Da ni=8 no=122 ma=km



0.418 1

0.394 0.627 1

0.129 0.202 0.266 1

0.189 0.284 0.208 0.365 1

0.544 0.281 0.324 0.201 0.161 1

0.507 0.225 0.314 0.172 0.174 0.546 1

-0.357 -0.156 -0.038 -0.199 -0.277 -0.294 -0.174 1

mo ny=3 nx=5 ne=2 nk=3 be=fu



0 0

0 1

0 1


1 0 0

1 0 0

0 1 0

0 1 0

0 0 0


VA 1  LX 5 3


VA 0.15 LY 1 1


FI TE 1 TD 5


VA 0.44 TE 1


FI ga 1 1 GA 2 2 GA 1 3

FR BE 2 1





Slides: Gra6020-9-2007spring.ppt








Some info ad. Exercises on Thursday


The software in week 5-6 will be both SPSS and LISREL


1)      Based on experience from today (020206) we will organize the exercise in the following way (next week):

a)      About 30 min. introduction from the instructors

b)      The rest of the time will be “on your own” with help from the instructors

2)      There will also be a “crash course” in simple software application (SPSS and LISREL). See blackboard for more information

3)      The problems from the lectures week 5-6, will be discussed in the class in week 7


Scientific Software  (Download for LISREL):




Lecture 120106


Powepoit files:






Word files:


Gra6020-1-2006-Overview of the sessions.doc



PSF files:



Lecture 190106


1)      We will focus on OLS-Regression (See slide Gra6020-1-2006spring.ppt)

2)      Data sets: affairs2005.PSF and affairs2005.sav. Klein2006.psf and klein2006.sav

3)      Assignment:ASSIGNMENTWEEK3_gra6020.doc



Lecture 060406

1)      Non-Normality estimators and RMSEA: Gra6020-8-2006.ppt

2)      Four Chi-squares: C1-C4.doc

3)      Mult.choice ex: Questions.doc



Lecture 260106


            OLS regression and The LOGIT model


1)      Powerpoint file: Gra6020-2-2006spring.ppt

2)      Data set: Binomgra1.sav



Exercise thursday 020206: Exeercise1-spring2006.doc


Exercise Thursday 090206: Exercise090206.doc

Data file: Binomgra1.psf ; Binomgra1.sav ; Gra6020-case-reg-2004v.psf and gra6020-case-regr-2004v.sav


Crash course material 070206: Case statistics.doc; case.sav


Lecture 160206


            Factor Analysis: Gra6020-3-2006.ppt

            Data set for factor analysis: Npv.psf (Nine psychological test data)


Assignment week 7: The file NPV.PSF is a LISREL file. Use the file (and the software LISREL) to estimate a suitable factor structure

for the nine variable. Look at the “Rotated tables, e.g., VARIMAX and PROMAX. Is it possible to simplify so that each variable only loads on one factor?


THE LECTURE NEXT WEEK (Thursday 230206) will be from 11.00 to 13.45; i.e., 3 hrs.


Lecture 230206


            Factor Analysis:Gra6020-4-2006spring.ppt

            We will play with the dataset NPV.psf

Assignment week8-9: Assignment week 8_2006.doc and :efficacy2005.psf



Lecture 020306


            CFA and measurement models: Gra6020-5-2006spring.ppt


Exercise Thursday 090306: Exercise 090306.doc


Exercise Thursday 160306: Exercise 160306.doc


Lecture 230306


            CFA and SEM: Gra6020-6-2006.ppt

            Assignment (week 12-13): Assignmentweek13-06.doc

            Data set: Case-Gra6020S-2004.PSF

Cov.matrix: Drinkd.cov


Lecture 300306


            SEM and Non-normality: Gra6020-7-2006.ppt


Lecture 060406


            Mult.choice examples: Questions.doc (Correct: D, C, E, B, D, B)

            C1-C4: C1-C4.doc


Lecture 270406

            Topics are: SEM, CFA and Regression analysis: Main points from the lectures

            Examples of multiple choice problems


Lecture 280406

            Discussion of the term paper/case


Datafiles: democrat.cov ; admit.psf ; admit.sav; FAORDGRA-06.psf; FACOGRA-06.psf



Paper (kurtosis) : sbvers1.pdf

8 Mult.choice-examples(13/5-06): 8-multiplech-ex.doc




Lecture 250105


1)      Overheads: Gra6020-00-2005V.ppt and  Gra6020-1-2005V.ppt

2)      Data set: Npv.psf

3)      Assignment week 4: Gra6020assign1.doc

4)      The first 4 sessions: Gra6020-1-2005-Overview of the first 4 sessions.doc


Lecture 080205


1)      Overheads: Gra6020-2-2005V.ppt

2)      Data set: Klein2.psf and klein2.sav

3)      Assignment: Assignment-week62005.doc and Klein-varaiable-expl2005.doc


Lecture 150205


1)      Overheads: Gra6020-3-200552.ppt

2)      Overheads: Gra6020-3-200553.ppt

3)      The slides are relatively “technical” but I will try to give some simple (?) examples with LISREL

4)      LISREL FILES: ord52.pr2; usa.psf; ord51A.pr2; ord51.pr2; USA.RAW; ordata.pr2; ordata.RAW

5)      Case/termpaper 2004: CASE GRA 6020-2004S.doc


Lecture 220205


1)      Overheads: Gra6020-4-2005.ppt

2)      Data set for factor analysis: Npv.psf (Nine psychological test data)

3)      Dataset for regression: gra6020-4-2005.sav ; gra6020-4-2005.psf

Use the data set in the file gra6020-4-2005.sav (SPSS) or the data set in the file gra6020-4-2005.psf (LISREL)

To estimate the model: .

Estimate the model with OLS, LOGIT and PROBIT.

Short explanation of the variables:

Say: 1 – 7 (measures influence; 1 is little 7 is much)                                        

Know: 1 –7 (measures knowledge; 1 is little  7 is much)

Comp: 1 – 7 (measures competition; 1 is little  7 is much)

Comu: 1 – 7 (measures communication; 1 is little  7 is much)

Member: 1 – 10 (measures likelihood of being a member; 1 is not likely 10 is very likely)


READ: Ch: 3 (Factor analysis); Ch: 11 (page 617 – 627; Confirmatory Factor analysis)

            Ch: 1-2 and 4 (Will not be taught in detail- Read it!!)


LISREL FILES: npv2202.ls8 and ninetest.cov



Lecture 010305


1)      Overheads: Gra6020-5-2005.ppt

2)      Data set: gra6020week9.psf


Sessions 1/3 – 22/3: Gra6020-1-2005-Overview of the 5th - 8th sessions.doc


Lecture 080305


1)      Overheads: Gra6020-6-2005.ppt

2)      Assignment: Gra6020assignmentweek10.ppt


Lecture 150305


1)      Overheads: Gra6020-7-2005.ppt

2)      Assignment: Country-image-week11-msc-2005.doc

3)      Data set: CI-week11.psf


Lecture 290305


1)      Overheads:  Gra6020-8-2005.ppt

2)      Assignment:  Assignment week 13_2005.doc

3)      Data set:efficacy2005.psf



Lecture 050405


1)      Overheads: Gr6020-9-2005.ppt

2)      Assignment: Assignment Week 14 Gra 6020.doc

3)      LISREL file: bag2.ls8




Lecture 120405 (15.00 – 17.45 GK)


Assignment/LISREL exercise: Assignmentweek15.doc

Data set: Case-Gra6020S-2004.PSF

Cov.matrix: Drinkd.cov


Lecture 190405:

Repetition: OLS regression; Binary Response regression; exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis; SEM








